Night of Museums 2012: Museums and Exhibition Spaces

Rome's Night of Museums 2012 is back on Saturday, 6 October
Follow the live blog of the event on Twitter at #NDMroma12.
Museums and exhibition spaces: program
- CENTRALE MONTEMARTINI - Via Ostiense, 106 (Ostiense - Garbatella).
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
Music: 10:00 pm, 11:00 pm and 12:00 am
- Il punto G with Piji Siciliani and Alessio Porretta, an event by Forum Grandi Eventi
- CHIOSTRO DEL BRAMANTE - Via della Pace, 5 (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 12:00 am (last admission: 11:00 pm)
- Contemporary Tales. Elisabeth Strigini. Selected works 2004-2012
- Ciccarini. Dalla veduta alla visione: il mito della città
Music: 9:00 pm and 10:00 pm.
- Solar Orchestra: Enrico Angarano (guitar), Fulvio Biondo (keyboards, electronics), Alessandro Bruno (guitar, vocals), Mauro Gavini (bass), Her (violin).
An event by Digital Village. In collaboration with the Chiostro del Bramante.
- GALLERIA D’ARTE MODERNA DI ROMA CAPITALE - Via Francesco Crispi, 24 (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- 100 sguardi su Roma dalla collezione d’arte BNL Gruppo BNP Paribas
Music: 9:00 pm, 10:30 pm and 11:15 pm
- Duo Saria Convertino and Claudio Santangelo. Saria Convertino (accordion bayan), Claudio Santangelo (marimba). An event by the Accademia Filarmonica Romana
- GALLERIA NAZIONALE D’ARTE ANTICA DI PALAZZO BARBERINI - Via delle Quattro Fontane, 13 (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Ballando ballando... tra opera e cinema at 8:30 pm and 9:45 pm. Orchestra MuSa Classica in concert, conducted by Maestro Francesco Vizioli. In collaboration with "Sapienza" University of Rome
- MACRO - Via Nizza, 138 (Nomentana)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- NEON. La materia luminosa dell’arte
- Yto Barrada: RIFFS
- Giulio Turcato. STELLARE
- Anders Petersen. Rome, a diary 2012
- Urban Arena: Bros, Sten e Lex, Ozmo, Marco Brambilla
- Pascale Marthine Tayou. Plastic Bags
- Artisti in residenza: STUDIO IN PROGRESS
- Martux_m CREW presents METROPOLIS. A live audiovisual set in collaboration with Stefano David.
- Kocleo, DJ sets & Landvideosource (9:30 pm)
- The MARTUX_M Crew "Metropolis" (10:30)
- MACRO Testaccio - Piazza Orazio Giustiniani, 4 (Testaccio - Ostiense)
Opening Hours: from 10:00 pm to 1:00 am (last admission: 12:00 am)
- FOTOGRAFIA - Festival internazionale di Roma XI edizione
- I migliori talenti del “Musiche festival”: Reagente at 9:00 pm and 11:30pm. Feat. Fabio Di Biagio (keyboard), Ali Esharef Mhagag (North African singer), Giacomo Anselmi (guitar), Fabio Meridiani (bass) and Ivano Indralal Fortuna (drums);
- Rocco Zifarelli TRIO at 10:15 pm and 12:30 am. Feat. Rocco Zifarelli (guitar), Daniele Sorrentino (bass), Nicola Angelucci (drums). Produced by Roma INN Production Srl
- MAXXI - Via Guido Reni, 4 / A (Flaminio)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Acting Out - Sala Gianferrari
- De Pietri - Sala Carlo Scarpa
- L'architettura può essere poesia?
- Models (Galleries 2 and 2a)
- Collezioni/Proiezioni (Gallery 3)
- Collezioni/Merz (Gallery 4)
- MERCATI DI TRAIANO - MUSEO DEI FORI IMPERIALI - Via IV Novembre, 94 (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
Guided Tours:
Gioco del Lotto art mediators will be available to answer questions about the exhibit.
- Mediterranee di Pedro Cano
- Hexperos in concert at 9:30 pm, 10:45 pm and 12:00 am. Feat. Alessandro Pesca (violin), Alessandra Santovito (vocals, flute, percussion, keyboards), Francesco Forgiane (cello, harp, bardic, viol, harp, percussion and keyboards)
- MUSEO DELL’ARA PACIS - Lungotevere in Augusta (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
Guided Tours:
Gioco del Lotto art mediators will be available to answer questions about the exhibit.
- Parco Nomade. Volume! Roberto Pietrosanti
- Lights for new age screenings from 8:00 pm. A multimedia event dedicated to Augustus and his 40 years of reign. An event by Roberto Malfatto-RMP Lab
- Daniele Bazzani at 9:30 pm, 22:45 pm and 12:00 am. An event by Digital Village
- Cinzia Tedesco in “Like a Bob Dylan” at 9:00 pm and 12:00 am (Auditorium, entrance from Via Ripetta 190). Feat. Stefano Sabatini (piano), Luca Pirozzi (bass), Giovanna Famulari (cello), Pietro Iodice (drums)
- MUSEO CARLO BILOTTI ARANCIERA DI VILLA BORGHESE - Viale Fiorello La Guardia, 4 (Villa Borghese)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Costruttori di Babele
- I migliori talenti del “Musiche festival”: La Vague at 9:00 pm and 10:30 pm. Francesca Pirami (singer and actress), and Alessandro Corsi (bass) present their new album “Cabaret Electric”
- MUSEO PIETRO CANONICA A VILLA BORGHESE - Viale Pietro Canonica, 2 (Piazza di Siena)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Antonello Bulgini. Notizie Lievi
- Riditidite at 8:30 pm, 10:00 pm and 11:15 pm. Feat Jack La Cayenne
- MUSEO DELLA CIVILTÀ ROMANA - Piazza G. Agnelli, 10 (Eur)
- Raccontare l’Antico, Terra Acqua e Fuoco
- Le memorie di Adriano: luci e ombre dell’anima di un imperatore at 8:15 pm. A tactile, multi-disciplinary and multi-sensory tour, aimed at promoting the artistic message to visually impaired people, with readings of excerpts from Marguerite Yourcenar's novel “Memoirs of Hadrian”, by Mimmo Valente. Organized by the Associazione di Volontariato Museum Onlus. Max 50 people. Booking required: tel. +39 060608.
- Vita di un legionario at 10:15 pm. The play deals with the second Punic war fought by the Romans against the Carthaginians in the third century BC, when Rome became the undisputed queen of the Mediterranean sea. An event by the Società Cooperativa ITER. In collaboration with Associazione Culturale CIVILTA’ EUROPEA
- MUSEO DELL’EMIGRAZIONE - COMPLESSO DEL VITTORIANO - Piazza dell’Ara Coeli (Historic centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am). The panoramic elevators will be open and operative.
- MUSEO NAPOLEONICO - Piazza di Ponte Umberto I, 1 (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Carte d’Italie - La prima Campagna d’Italia di Napoleone Bonaparte nelle carte geografiche di Bacler d’Albe
- Trio Dilectus in concert at 8:00 pm, 9:00 pm and 11:00 pm. Cristina Iacoboni (piano), Antonio D'Andrea (violin) and Matteo Scarpelli (cello). The program includes music by Schumann.
- MUSEO NAZIONALE ROMANO IN PALAZZO ALTEMPS- Piazza Sant'Apollinare, 46 (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Teatr(A)ltemps! from 8:00 pm. Performances by the young actors of Roman theater schools. An event by CoopCulture
- Carmina Noctis at 9:00 pm, 10:00 pm and 11:00 pm (Teatro di Palazzo Altemps). Poetry, prose and music with Vanessa Gravina and Marco Marelli. Based upon an idea and translated by Michele Di Martino. Music bu Marco Melia. Project by Edoardo Siravo. Produced by Grandi Eventi International srl
- MUSEO NAZIONALE ROMANO ALLE TERME DI DIOCLEZIANO (X Hall and cloister) - Via Enrico de Nicola, 79 (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- L’arte è giovane! from 8:00 pm. In the spectacular cloister designed by Michelangelo, young contemporary artists realize impromptu installations. Produced by CoopCulture
- Giordano Bruno e la Magia, lecture/concert/performance at 9:00 pm, 10:30 pm and 11:30 pm. With Gabriele La Porta, Alessandro D'Agostini, the “Compagnia teatrale Poeti d’Azione”, Claudio Ferrero (violin) and Greta Cipriani (piano), Francesca Stajano (actress). An event by the Compagnia teatrale Poeti d’Azione, in collaboration with Federitalia
- MUSEO DI ROMA - PALAZZO BRASCHI - Piazza Navona, 2 (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Ombre e luci. 1920-1960. Volti del cinema nei ritratti di Manlio Villoresi
- David Broza Live at 11:00 pm. In collaboration with Golda - International Events
- MUSEO DI ROMA IN TRASTEVERE - Piazza Sant'Egidio, 1/b (Trastevere)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Mario Giacomelli. Fotografie dall’Archivio di Luigi Crocenzi
- L'Aquila prima e dopo. Fotografie di Gianni Berengo Gardin
- Nerocaffè at 10:00 pm, 11:00 pm and 12:00 am. On the scenes since 2007, the group presents a project dedicated to Italian composer. Liano Concolino (voice and piano), Andrea Di Pilla (trumpet and flugelhorn), Francesco Saverio Capo (electric bass and double bass) and Massimo Rosari (drums and percussion). An event by KOI - ADV
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Trascopiraph at 8:15 pm, 9:30 pm and 10:45 pm. Antonio Trapani (guitar), Paolo Scozzi (bass), Sandro Piras (drums) and Raphael Heudron (keyboard). An event by Associazione Società Attiva Onlus
- MUSEO DI SCULTURA ANTICA “GIOVANNI BARRACCO” - Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 166/A (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- “Alla scoperta di Sumer” (Italian excavations in southern Iraq) at 8:00 pm. Lecture by Prof. Franco D'Agostino, Professor of Assyriology, Sapienza University of Rome.
- I migliori talenti del “Musiche festival”: Nina Monti at 9:30 pm. Nina Monti has worked with Lucio Dalla, Fulvio Maras, Beppe D'Onghia, Umberto Bindi, Bruno Mariani.
- I migliori talenti del “Musiche festival”: Francesco Lucarelli at 11:00 pm. Born in 1963, Francesco Lucarelli is a singer-songwriter
- MUSEO STORICO DELLA FANTERIA - Piazza Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, 9 (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am). In collaboration with the Ministry of Defence.
- Concert by the Band of the Italian Army at 9:00 pm in the park of the Museum.
- MUSEO STORICO DEI GRANATIERI - Via di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme, 7 (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am). In collaboration with the Ministry of Defence
- MUSEO DEL TEATRO ARGENTINA - Largo di Torre Argentina, 22 (Historic Centre)
Guided tours:
- Ve lo faccio vedere io il teatro! at 9:00 pm and 10:30 pm. Booking required: tel. +39 060608, max 20 people. Performance/guided tour at Teatro Argentina by Claudio Longhi. Produced by the Theatre of Rome in collaboration with the National Academy of Dramatic Art "Silvio D'Amico"
- MUSEI DI VILLA TORLONIA - Nomentana, 70 (Nomentana)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Casino dei Principi: Renzo Vespignani
- Casina delle Civette: Le ceramiche Rometti dal 1920 ad oggi
Guided tour:
-“Amabili presenze" exhibition at Casina delle Civette: guided tour. Booking required: tel. +39 060608, max 30 people.
Music and Dance:
- Contrast at Casino Nobile: 8:00 pm, 9:45 pm and 11:30 pm. Music by Craig Armstrong, choreography by Brunella Vidau, and the students of the National Academy of Dance directed by Margherita Parrilla.
- Fusione Flamenca at 9:00 pm and 10:45 pm. Federico Pesce (guitar), Michael D'Asaro (percussion) and Vanessa Valle. Organized by the Cultural Association "A et A" Arte e Agricoltura Onlus
- MUSEO CIVICO DI ZOOLOGIA - Via Ulisse Aldrovandi, 18 (Villa Borghese)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:15 am)
- Notturno con la scienza at 8:15 pm. The Museum of Zoology, in collaboration with the Cooperative Myosotis will receive visitors in the exhibition halls and the ZooLab to present its precious collections of animals. Interviews with zoologists, workshops and entertainment. Tours every 30 minutes with advance booking required, tel. +39 0697840700 // 0632609200
- PALAZZO DELLE ESPOSIZIONI - Via Nazionale, 194 (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Robert Doisneau. Paris en liberté (entrance from Via Milano, 9). In cooperation with Azienda Speciale Palaexpo
- PARCO MUSEO FERROVIARIO - ATAC - Via Bartolomeo Bossi, 7 (Ostiense)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Atac: la città, le persone, l'azienda
- PLANETARIO E MUSEO ASTRONOMICO - Piazza G. Agnelli, 10 (Eur)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- C'è vita nel Museo ... 4, every hour from 8:30 pm. Five astronomy shows under the dome of the Planetarium dedicated to the planets and the main celestial bodies visible in the sky. Kid's Space Corner for children with Dr. Stellarium to discover the summer skies with the aid of a telescope, an electronic astrolabe and the inflatable dome of the planetarium for a stellar treasure hunt. Times and program is available at Advance phone booking required: tel. +39 060608. Workshop for children (Kid's Space corner): subject to availability, bookings on the spot.
- SALA SANTA RITA - Via Montanara, 16 (Piazza Campitelli - Historical Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Novembre 1977
- SCUDERIE DEL QUIRINALE - Via XXIV Maggio, 16 (Historic Centre)
Opening Hours: from 8:00 pm to 2:00 am (last admission: 1:00 am)
- Veermer. Il secolo d’oro dell’arte olandese. In collaboration with Azienda Speciale Palaexpo